Galvanized sheets for household and professional purposes

Galvanized sheet – a popular participant in the world of repair and construction work. Made by the traditional method of hot galvanizing, it is ideal for products that should demonstrate the impeccability of anti -corrosion capabilities.

In addition, just such a sheet is well opposed to the negative impact of such an external factor as ultraviolet radiation. And it can also be called the guarantor of electrochemical protection.

The most solid are galvanized sheets that have a polymer coating. This coating perfectly optimizes operational qualities, and also promotes the aesthetic attractiveness of galvanized steel products.

Polymer coating on a galvanized sheet is applied, as a rule, at the final stage of production.

The most common coating of this plan is a polyester coating. Its thickness is most often about 17-20 microns. For household purposes, it is really perfect, because at an acceptable cost, it can withstand the temperature to plus 120 s, and the minus (lower) operation of the operation of such a sheet is about – 55 s.

But still, if you are interested in professional coating, it is worth paying attention to Pural. It has even higher resistance to an external, often sufficiently aggressive environment. But because of the high cost, it is not as common as polyester. Therefore, the coating of the Pural is considered quite specialized and focused on a narrow circle of consumers.

Most often, a galvanized sheet with a polymer coating today is used when installing a roof. But the entire scope of the use of galvanized steel is certainly wider.