How to cover a roof in a modern house

How to cover a roof in a modern house

The choice of roof for the roof of the house is not easy, since the roofs are flat and inclined, and they all have their own coverage feature. Covering flat roofs more often than others use polymeric materials, less often – tiles. Recently, the use of such a green “green roof”, on which concrete overlap is poured, has become popular, a layer of waterproofing is installed and plants can be planted in the substrate.

To cover the roof, you can use ondulin, the sheets of which have a wavy appearance and are both flexible and gesture at the same time. It can be installed on an existing roof there is no need to dismantle it. Thanks to its moisture resistant features, such a roof will last, more than twenty years. According to the characteristics of similar material, there is nulin, the basis of which is wood fiber and saturated bitumen. The use of natural tiles remains no less popular. She to last more than fifty years without losing her decorative properties. She tolerates temperatures quite well, perfectly absorbs noise and absorbs moisture. But such a coating requires the behavior of an additional sealing robot. You can use the metal tile as an option of a galvanized sheet. The cost of such a tile is less, but it will be worn quite quickly. If you correctly construct the roof, then noisiness during the rain will not be felt so much. The decisive word when choosing a roof belongs to the owners, and they are guided by the advice of builders and their own preferences.