In the future, residential buildings will use the energy of the sun and land.

In the future, residential buildings will use the energy of the sun and land.

Economic benefits

Already calculated in theory economic benefit. The task of an energy -efficient house near Orenburg is to show real costs for its maintenance. Twelve families of the Svetlinsky district in the Orenburg region will live here. They are participants in the federal resettlement program from emergency and dilapidated housing. They have already received their certificates and in the coming days they will change huts on the outskirts of the Orenburg region to a new ultra -modern and energy -efficient housing. “This task was set by the president. The fact that we must finally learn to calculate: how much we really pay for the services provided to us. Energy efficient technologies will reduce these expenses several times. Then the construction that is being taken now, in the same Orenburg, will become mass in the near future, ”said Konstantin Tsitsin, general director in the housing and communal services fund.

The commissioning of this experimental housing was also a reason to conduct an interregional meeting on the use of energy -efficient technologies during construction. One of the questions was – how much to spend on equipment. After all, it is in the house-laboratory-completely imported. “Production. And Belgorod production of pumps and in Cheboksary, our colleagues from Rusnano are building a large factory. All these technologies will come to us soon. I believe that in a year all the necessary elements will be made in Russia, ”says Konstantin Tsitsin.

The following obligation was adopted by the European Union: after fifty years, about eighty percent of energy sources should become renewed. And in Russia, after several years, energy -efficient houses will replace emergency housing, unless, of course, the Orenburg project will take root.