Bulk floor

The bulk floor is the convenience and durability of the bulk floor – it is a modern seamless polymer flooring. He is as popular as an array. Depending on the type of material, such floors can be smooth with a glossy effect or matte rough. The bulk floor has increased resistance to mechanical effects, it is elastic, moisture -resistant, resistant to various aggressive environments and has a pleasant appearance.

According to the main component, the bulk floors are divided into methyl methacrylate, epoxy, cement-acrylic and polyurethane. The first three types are the thickest, therefore, and more resistant to abrasion. They are used in chemical production, in medicine, energy, in warehouses and hangars – wherever floors experience increased physical activity. Polyurethane floors are usually used in residential premises – they are more subtle and elegant, albeit less protected.

As the name understands, initially a bulk floor is a liquid mass that is poured along the prepared concrete surface and “rolled out” with spatulas and mops, resulting in a uniform smooth liquid layer, which subsequently solidifies into an elastic solid mass. The basis that is filled with a bulk floor, first of all, should not have holes and should be strong. It is not recommended to use bulk floors over a wooden base, since then the floor can crack. Before pouring the floor, the base must be cleaned of garbage, paint residues or resin and thoroughly. Fresh flooring should be protected from drafts and the influence of sunlight.