Features of a profiled timber

One of the most popular types of wood for construction is the beam. Most often it is associated with a special profiling methodology. It consists in gluing lamellas together (boards). This process occurs in relation to conifers due to a high level of gluing. The production of this type of building materials is now taking place in many countries with a developed woodworking industry. At the same time, the beam itself should glue without any cracks along the entire plane of building material.

Barus – glued is sold in almost all construction stores. In addition, a beam of this type is also used in carpentry. Now it is simply impossible to dispute the qualities of this timber. It is very popular in the field of construction due to lightweight installation and a high level of quality. The glued structure, unlike a monolithic tree, has no flaws, which greatly facilitates the construction process. Moreover, the methodology for the production of this type of rapid material is a guarantee of its quality.

In addition, arrays of wood are more expensive building material than the bar described above. And all this, then, over time, a whole tree can lose its structure, while the beam holds a stable shape in any case. The beam practically does not settle and is resistant to high temperatures. The beam itself is very pleasant to the touch, and its smooth and even structure allows you to create all the conditions for even surfaces. The walls of the house built on the basis of the beam will be smooth and absolutely even.

From glued type of profiled timber, you can build large and completely small designs. The size of the building material is easily regulated. As for the glue itself, used to create a beam, it is absolutely harmless to humans.