History of celebration on May 9 in Kazakhstan

Quite widely among the local population of Kazakhstan itself, Victory Day is celebrated in the Second World War. This day is considered a demonstration of the protection of the people, the homeland from evil. Victory Day in Kazakhstan is celebrated 2 days – 9 and, accordingly, May 10.

Shortly before the holiday, a variety of charitable actions, a variety of events to venerate war veterans, which are participants in the Second World War, employees of the rear fronts, disabled people and other categories equated to them, are often held for a whole month. For them, a wheelchair lift is installed in all public places.

Residents of Kazakhstan come from the majestic Soviet Union and this date is also quite close to them. So, according to the general work plan, in almost all existing cultural and education institutions, various festive events are held, which are dedicated to the memory of the dead for freedom from formidable fascism. It is customary to hold events at a round table, meetings with fighters and participants in the labor front, courage lessons, seminars.

In addition, all veterans of the GST are given numerous financial assistance, benefits are put into medical clinics and transport, and much the rest.