How to harvest and save building materials.

Experience and construction practice show that it is better to buy boards for finishing the finishes in advance in the early spring. Pre -dried in the summer in the shade, they will be perfectly preserved until next year, if they carefully score them in the attic. It is at this time that it is also best to plan the acquisition of a roofing instrument, various saws, ladders and so on. For with the beginning of the season materials and the tool are scattered very quickly and sometimes it is difficult to choose something worthwhile!

To protect against bark beets and prevent the processes of decay, it is advisable to treat all the wood with special substances – fire protection.

Currently, there are a large number of sufficiently effective tools for protecting wood. The choice of concrete is always for you. And we will try to help you make the right choice.

I would like to warn everyone against the use of olifa in order to process the external surfaces of the tree. Because in just 2-3 years, your dacha covered with olifa from beautiful-golden will turn into a dark gray with ugly black stains. And the worst thing in this matter is that you can hide this terrible look only by painting the cottage outside with oil paints. (Other colors will not fall on the Olifa, and it is almost impossible to remove the impregnated layer from a tree. This will mean that subsequently you will have to paint the walls almost annually.

In the first winter after the construction of the cottage, preferably immediately after the end of frost and snowstorm it is quite useful to visit the cottage. You will need to carefully examine the foundation and attic. It is important to check if there is no snow sediment in the attic under the roof. And if the snow is still present, it means that the roof has different sizes of the cracks, which in the spring will have to be eliminated.