Materials for insulation of the basement

Materials for insulation of the basement

When you have the question of insulation of walls in the basement, it is important for a good final result not only to work correctly, but also to choose the material. Foam recently continues to gain popularity, its use helps to prevent the appearance of mold, as well as constant temperature changes. According to statistics, approximately 20 percent of heat loss is precisely the basement.

In order to insulate the basement from the inside as an alternative, you can use penoizol. This material is one of the types of polystyrene foam, which has high resistance to temperature and fire changes. This insulation is able to provide low thermal conductivity, having excellent technical characteristics.

In order to insulate the walls of the basement by foamyizol, mineral wool and polystyrene foam are used. They are attached to the main material as an addition. It should be remembered that due to the increasing popularity of this material, the domestic market offers many fakes of this insulation, which does not always correspond to good quality indicators. When choosing, remember that high -quality material has a granular structure, does not have an excessive amount of pores at the base and does not have a smell. It has a fairly elastic base and in the process of deformation is able to return the original form.