Popular and high -quality Finnish doors

Finnish -made doors are one of the most popular in Russia. The popularity of such doors is determined by the quality of products, tested by time and a wide range of models. Finland is famous for the quality manufacture of elegant interior door paintings for both home and office. They are suitable for any interior thanks to various nuances of the color palette.

In conditions of harsh Russian climate and large temperature jumps, Finnish doors have wonderful operational characteristics. For many years, manufacturing technology was improved and brought to the ideal and is now adopted by other manufacturers. Each stage of production is subjected to hard quality control.

The Finnish interior doors have elegant simplicity and strict classic design. The color finish palette is mainly designed in cold colors. White smooth Finnish doors are in great demand. This is an ideal option for office premises and apartments with a restrained interior design in the style of minimalism. The manufacturer tries to emphasize the individuality of the interior and offers the buyer a combined and phylene doors.

Manufacturers of Finnish interior doors, focusing on the rich imagination of the buyer, can offer door leafs made of wood, glass, plastic and metal. Regardless of the material of the manufacture of the product, the canvas can be painted in white, bright, pastel or dark tones. Deaf veneered, Phineral, combined interior doors with glass inserts, painted in white or gray, became widespread.