Preparation for the installation of adhesive ceiling

Preparation for the installation of adhesive ceiling

Today, many people want to make an adhesive ceiling in the apartment. To make it look good, builders are always carefully preparing for installation. It is worth remembering that there is ordinary polystyrene tiles, which can be painted with acrylic paints, as well as laminated tiles.

When buying tiles, you should be very careful. All angles of the plates should be even and neat. Make sure that the linear sizes of the plates do not differ in different parties. Experts advise at home to determine how many tiles you need. Draw a room plan and put down the dimensions. It is worth remembering that you can not buy building materials back. It is best to buy 10% more tiles than you need. Inexperienced builders can easily break or bend the slabs.

Before gluing tiles, you must carefully prepare the surface. You need to remove the entire old finish. If the ceilings were whitewashed, you need to wash the chalk completely. Change the water as often as possible to clean the surface well. If the ceiling in the room is not too flat, then you should be thrust all the bumps and pit. After the plaster dries well, do not forget to grind the ceiling.

Builders advise to close all the windows in the house before starting the installation of the adhesive ceiling to avoid drafts. You also need to not forget to close all the items in the room with a special plastic wrap.