Repair in the bathroom

Repair in the bathroom

The first stage of the repair measures carried out in the bathroom is pipe wiring. This term denotes, in fact, the simplest styling of these elements. Best if the pipes are metal -plastic. It is they who are currently considered as the most functional.

When the pipes are mounted in their places, they proceed to the installation of plumbing. It is necessary to choose a place for each of its elements so that there are no problems with their functionality. If the room is small, you can contact the use of plumbing compact sizes or built -in.

Then proceed to the decoration. Before starting to lay facing material, it is necessary to align the surfaces. In some cases, it is enough to use just putty. In others, you have to cover the walls with drywall sheets, if very serious differences are observed.

Only you need to consider that only moisture -resistant drywall is used for the bathroom. As finishing materials, those that are also characterized by slight moisture absorption are used. Ceramic tiles or plastic panels meet this requirement well.