Technical characteristics and properties of brick

Ceramic brick has standard dimensions that allow us to conveniently capture it with one hand. To reduce the cost of the cost and savings of consumables, a brick is produced with a thickness increased by one and a half or twice. Such a brick has a ceramic stone called.

The main property of brick is its strength. This characteristic shows the level of resistance of the material under the influence of internal voltage and external deformation. The strength of the strength is the brand of brick, which has a letter-cyphpical designation. The number shows the weight of the maximum load that one cubic centimeter of the stone withstands. The brick produced today has a brand of seventy -five to three hundred. Recently, the rotary vacuum pump has often been used very popularly.

Another important characteristic of ceramic brick is frost resistance. She shows how long a brick can not change its properties, undergoing deep frost and thawing alternately. Frost resistance in cycles is indicated. One cycle consists of soaking material in water within eight hours, followed by an eight -hour frost. In places with a cold climate you need a brick with a brand of at least thirty -five. In the southern parts, the optimal indicator of fifteen – twenty cycles.