Condensate on the windows

Condensate on the windows

To combat cold and precipitation, people began to protect themselves with walls, windows, doors, which turns the living room into an air duct, in which carbon dioxide, water vapor accumulates and this causes an increase in temperature with the appearance of condensate on the windows.

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In the old days, wooden frames with windows stood in all houses, the gaps between the frame and the wall provided small air exchange and the condensate did not appear, today modern windows are installed very high quality, as a result there is no air exchange, and the person begins to feel bad in this room. It turns out a paradox, which is that people install super modern windows, and then open them to ventilate the room, thereby releasing all the warm air out into the street.

Those gaps that must provide air exchange pass a very small amount of air, so here it is simply not to do without ventilation. Some believe that air conditioners can provide a comfortable stay in the apartment, but the air conditioner only supports the given temperature, and it does not saturate with oxygen. Sources of harmful gases and vapors can be building materials, furniture, household appliances and other facilities. To ensure good health with modern windows, you need to create a good hood that will carry out air exchange in the room.