Dark floor in the house

Dark floor in the house

Very many today make repairs in their scrap, using dark tones for flooring. The color of the earth, the color of the stone, the color of darkened boards has become popular and does not cause any surprise. Previously, a light or white parquet emphasized the status and wealth of the owner of the house, today everything has changed, it is the dark floor that is considered more respectable. Light or white furniture and walls on the background of dark flooring looks very fashionable and very bright.

This combination is very popular and many manufacturers use such a contrast in the manufacture of furniture. The dark floor, in addition to beauty and popularity, also has a number of negative features. So visually such a floor always reduces and narrows the space. If the room is already small, then using a dark laminate there is strictly prohibited. Recently, the construction of hammam (Turkish bath) is often carried out with your own hands will be much more profitable.

Stiring dust is always visible on the dark floor, so you need to constantly take care of it so as not to seem a sloppy master. Когда поверхность еще и глянцевая к тому же, то на ней еще видны и следы от ног, рук, которые придется удалять каждые пять минут, особенно если в доме маленькие дети.

If, nevertheless, the choice settled on dark color, then it should be a floor with veins of lighter tones and the surface should be matte. For furniture, you need to purchase silicone wheels or legs so that there are no scratches on the floor.