How to redevelop an apartment?

How to redevelop an apartment?

Peremscent can include the demolition and construction of walls, the movement of technical and sanitary-industrial equipment of the real estate object.

Those who decided to completely change the image of their living space must understand that there are 2 types of transformation of apartments:

1) the implementation of all requirements defined by regulatory acts.

2) masterful rebuilding (for example: the decision to install e/s profile pipes).

Small redevelopment lines the coverage of administrative fines. Apart from this, in any case you will need to arrange a redevelopment accordingly, or return the living space in the initial form. The transformation of the living space in the established schedule takes place in several borders:

1. Formation of the plan. First you need to go to a design and construction company, whose experts will create a program that corresponds to all universally recognized standards and templates.

2. Coordination of the plan. Another step is the supply of the required papers to local authorities by the location of real estate.

3. Redevelopment. It is important to recall that at this line there can no longer be evading the coordinated list of work.

4. Submission and receipt of work. Subsequently, the end of the redevelopment you need to go a second time to local authorities to call the commission for the acceptance of the work performed. The Committee, in turn, following the results of the survey of the building, draws up a document acceptance document and converts it to BTI.

5. Technical inventory – final item. To fulfill it, you must go to BTI to receive a fresh technological certificate.