What plants are used for the Dutch landscape?

The unique atmosphere of the Dutch style with its natural, natural charm of lush and slightly wild multi-colored decorative compositions captivates at first sight with its character and ease.

It is not easy to recreate this feeling of a truly natural garden within the strict framework of trimmed hedges. And to achieve what you want, you should rely on the right herbaceous perennials.

5 favorites of the Dutch style that can be successfully used in garden design in regions with harsh winters:

  • inimitable garden geraniums with their delightful texture of squat bushes, the beauty of carved leaves and the amazingly expressive play of color nuances that change throughout the garden season;
  • the king of vertical accents is the delphinium with its noble charm, amazingly graceful foliage and candles of openwork inflorescences as if floating above the compositions;
  • magnificent and perfectly contrasting with any partners, largely underestimated, but irreplaceable for a modern landscape garden, Echinops with its not aggressive, but rather filigree beauty;
  • the best in unpretentiousness and the most expressive and spectacular in their velvety edge are the silvery Byzantine chistets, capable of captivating with the beauty of the leaves to a much greater extent than with the beauty of the inflorescences (although the latter are in perfect harmony with the greenery);
  • Amazingly beautiful in its flowering, able to compete with any exotic, foxglove, whose rich palette of pastel colors in different varieties does not prevent it from remaining a plant with amazingly natural beauty.

By placing your bet on these five in the flower beds and mixborders of a Dutch garden, you will lay the foundation for revealing the principles of landscaping in this style.