Flat roof

Flat roof

Flat roofs are used in residential and industrial construction for more than a dozen years. The most popular material for such roofs is roofing roller coatings as well as various mastics and bitumen.

Installation of such a roof is quite simple. First of all, a layer of vapor barrier is lined over the floor slabs, on top of which the insulation is laid out.

Waterproofing is lined on top of the insulation in order to completely exclude the possibility of its further leakage.

Roofing materials can be spread right on top of the ceilings, wooden flooring, metal and even a broken rolled coating. In order for the water on a similar roof to flow faster to the drains, in the center of the roof there is a small recess, and both sides of the roof are slightly tilted to its center. In order for the drain from the cold during the cold, it is extremely important that it is heated.

The flat roof can also be divided into not operated and operated. In the option of operating, the roof is created on the condition that people will be constantly moving on it or it will be used as a place for storage. In this case, an additional concrete screed is poured on the roof, which helps maintain the integrity of the roof.

There is no need not operated in the screed, and rather soft material can be used as a heater.