How to make a form for the manufacture of artificial stone

How to make a form for the manufacture of artificial stone

Artificial stone finishes allows you to realize various design solutions. Stone tiles are used in the design of the walls, cladding of fireplaces and columns, laying flooring. Artificial stone differs from natural materials with a smaller weight and simpler installation. If you want to buy paving slabs in Kyiv, then you should visit the site

The material of artificial origin is economical, universal and functional. Some varieties of artificial stone are available for independent manufacture. The structure of artificial stone is selected depending on the design tasks and the purpose of the premises, the most often used is imitation of shale.

The most popular varieties of artificial stone in appearance are a bottle, sawn, decorative and stabbed. The rubble stone reliably imitates boulders, the decorative differs in arbitrariness, the stab and sawed differ only in the degree of processing of the edges.

Artificial stone is made of polymer compositions, cement or gypsum. As a form, you can use the finished silicone model or independently remove the cast from the selected sample.

In the manufacture of the form, it is necessary to make formwork, the dimensions of which should slightly exceed the size of the sample. The formwork is lubricated with solidol and a stone-model is installed inside. The remaining space is filled with silicone, the mass is rammed with a brush. The workpiece filled with silicone is left to dry, after which the shape is removed and freed from the sample. The remaining crayons are also corrected by silicone.