How you can put paving slabs on your own

The most common option for decorating a garden path is the use of paving slabs. Since this process is not at all complicated, you can do everything with your own hands. In order for the water not to be collected in the wrong place, it is necessary to correctly determine the slopes on the site. Further along the contour of the future path, it is necessary to pull the cord, and a border will be laid out along the edges of this cord. After that, the soil needs to be prepared for laying tiles. With heavy and clay soil or light sandstone, it is recommended to concrete the base. If you want to lay the paving slabs in your dacha, you will need a high -pressure apparatus with heating water. The turf needs to be pulled out with the root, if such a procedure is not done, then the roots will begin to rot and the tile can fail.

To prepare a special solution, sand must be mixed with cement in a ratio of one to five. Pour the resulting mixture between the borders, leve and compact. It is highly recommended to perform so that the surface is below the borders themselves, exactly by the size of the paving slabs you have chosen. After that, you can proceed directly to laying, for this it is necessary to tap on separate tiles using a special rubber kiyanka. The cracks that are formed in the process can be sealed with separate fragments of tiles that can be cut off and adjusted by the figure. The last step needs to sprinkle the entire surface of the sidewalk with a special mixture, which consists of one part of the sand and four parts of cement. Castle the finished track with a brush, the entire excess mixture will be removed, and the cracks will be decorated.