Installation of the “warm floor” system at home

Installation of the “warm floor” system at home

If you need to make a cold tile floor warm, in this case it is necessary to install a system of electric warm floor. If there is a concept of flooring and the ability to understand the simplest schemes, then this system can be installed without problems yourself, and at home.

Today in the market of building materials and similar systems there are a very large selection of options. Experienced experts recommend not saving on such systems and contacting specialized stores selling world-famous and well-established brands.

Which manufacturer to be inclined, you can determine by reading a few comments on specialized forums. In general, if you live in the cold region, then this one system is not enough, you must also find an organization for which the sale of fitting is commonplace.

The electric floor system includes heating devices and a temperature controller. Sometimes the second must be purchased separately from the entire system, since it is selected according to the specifics of the room. Heating wires can be one and two -core wires. They differ among themselves cost and degree of security (the second is higher in).

Therefore, it is recommended in places with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom) and children’s rooms to use this particular type of heating cable. Before installing the system, it is necessary to prepare the surface, it should be as flat as possible. In the wall you need to prepare a place for cables (the floor and regulator itself). After the installation plan is drawn up, the entire surface should be covered with a layer of insulating material.