PVC tile laying technology.

Before you start laying PVC tiles, it is very important to check the base for dryness, evenness and cleanliness. There should be no traces of sand, fat, paint or dust. Humidity should not exceed 3%, and with warm floors the temperature should be no higher than 28 degrees. Glue the tiles completely and avoid air entering. For this, acrylic or dispersion glue is most often used.

Before laying plywood, all wet work should be completed. The thickness of the plywood laid by waterproof is 12-15 mm. Cut plywood sheets of no more than 50×70 cm are laid on glue or mastic. Next, it is necessary to mast it and carry out wet cleaning.

In the case of an uneven base, the rapid -hardening resin of Thomsit R726 is used to close the ruptures and cracks. The leveled base will be ready for work in 24 hours. The surface of the surface on concrete, anhydritic and cement bases is produced by Thomsit R777, and for magnesial and acidic bases use the primsit R755 primer. Such a primer serves as a good waterproofing barrier.

The final stage – laying tiles, starts from the center of the room. Having outlined the central point, you need to draw the guide lines of the styling and lay the first tile. Next, the tiles must be laid by the “pyramid” method. The pruning of the slabs against the walls and obstacles is performed by an ordinary stationery knife, since the tile does not differ in density from drywall. First, the protective layer is cut out, then along the line of the incision the tile is broken and an incision is made on the back. This is the technology of laying tiles PVC.