Preparation of the concrete surface for decoration

Preparation of the concrete surface for decoration

Whatever option of finishing events is chosen by the owner, before the implementation of this method, you will need to prepare the surface. If concrete acts in the role of the surface, then certain specific features of such a procedure will be observed. They must be taken into account.

The initial task is to bring the concrete surface to a completely dry state. The old finish is also eliminated. In many cases, a paint acts in its role, which is not very easy to cope with. Such a work will have to be done with a metal spatula.

Also on the concrete surface there are often fat spots. They must be deleted, because if they were available, it will be very difficult to carry out finishing events. If on the surface there are height drops, they can be eliminated with an sandpaper or ordinary pumice.

Concrete is most often impossible to align without using putty. Therefore, before finishing work, it must be applied to the surface. The putty will be able to better clasp with the concrete coating if the latter is previously treated with a primer. After the putty dries, they move on to the main decoration.