Preparatory work before laying Linkrust

Preparatory work before laying Linkrust

Lincrust is called a special material that is used for decorative wall design. This material is distinguished by the presence of an original pattern, and is also formed from a special mass applied in the production process on a prepared paper base.

The outer part of the material usually has no color at all, since staining is carried out only after the glued material dries. At the same time, for coloring, both different enamels and oil paints can be used, depending on the preferences of the person performing the repair.

Linkrust pasting is a rather specific process, which needs to be approached without any frivolity. In the process of preliminary work, from the walls to which it is planned to glue the linkest, old panels, wallpaper, decorative plaster or other materials are removed, as well as putty and grout of the surfaces.

It is noteworthy that during such work all skirting boards, switches and outlets are best removed to avoid pollution and damage to products. After the above work, the surface of the walls is thoroughly examined, if necessary, plastered and wiped with a special (fine -grained) skin. Next, you need to give the wall surface to dry well for 1, and preferably 2 days, and then re -process using a special (half -oil) putty. After drying the wall, the wall surface is again treated with a skin and again applied a primer layer. Now the surface of the wall is again dried for 1-3 days, after which you can safely proceed to gluing the finish material.