Putty technology.

The correctly performed putty process is the key to high -quality repair work. Observing the rules of the rules, you can get a qualitative result.

The following tools will be needed to carry out putty work: spatulas of different sizes, sandpaper of different numbers, a container for the preparation of the mixture, a drill with a nozzle for stirring.

Although on sale there are ready -made mixtures, the best option would be to independently produce a solution that provide an individual consistency for a certain type of gypsum layer. For example, filling in small irregularities requires the use of the guta of the mixture, and to apply the final layers the best option will be a semi -liquid mixture.

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At the beginning, it is necessary to clean the base, and then primed. After the primer dries, apply a layer of gypsum. The thickness of the first layer5 mm. It is advisable to strengthen the first layer with a reinforced net.

Filling large recesses is made by thick gypsum mortar. After drying the plots, further putty is carried out. Work on a non -worthy surface is undesirable.

The number of layers applied is determined by the necessary quality. The finish putty can be applied in an amount of two to six coatings. Each new layer is laid with another angle. For example, one layer is from left to right, the other is from top to bottom.

Putty is carried out by movements from the dry region to the wet region.

After the gypsum dries, it is treated with sandpaper. It is also advisable to fabricate each layer, while eliminating the ledges. This will facilitate the application of subsequent layers. Processing with sandpaper by the finish layer is carried out with a fine -grained skin, which will remove the scratches of the layer. For quality control, use a lamp installed from the sides.