Requirements for the installation of a bathroom with hydromassage

Installation of water supply and sewage for a bath with hydromassage is carried out in the same way as for an ordinary bath. Supplying hot cold water to the nozzles of the hoses are made of flexible materials, so it is easy for them to give the necessary shape, and their installation is simple. By the way, on Rio, spare parts must be put only original.

Plum with a diameter of the standard 50 mm with a certain inclination should be located on the maximum proximity to the sewer riser.

For a bathroom with hydromassage, you need a room with an area of ​​about 7 m2. In addition, it is necessary to equip forced ventilation, because in the bathroom this type is much more than a couple of more than when the procedure is accepted in the traditional bathroom. Only a more or less spacious, ventilated room can give a guarantee that excessive humidity will be intensively removed from it. In another case, water vapor will create constant condensate on the ceiling and walls, thus creating a positive environment for the appearance and propagation of mold, fungi.

Increased requirements are presented to the installation of an electrician in the bathroom with hydromassage. The hydromassage system is originally equipped with an electric pump connected to the network (standard voltage, 220 volts). In this state, he is constantly, so he needs a separate electric circuit intended for the pump. The chain is equipped with a differential circuit breaker for the possibility of emergency shutdown from the network. Such circuit breakers are triggered when the current leak on the ground and when the wiring is short. In standard houses of the new type, such switches are already mounted, and in the houses of the old layout the circuit breaker is installed on the shield. The power of the differential automaton necessary for him to work is determined by the manufacturer of the bath, while the total power of all devices of the bathroom equipment with a hydromassage effect is taken into account. All metal parts, including reinforcement, are grounded.