Rules for calculating the number of tiles

When engaged in the acquisition of building materials, it is very important to know their exact quantity that is necessary to perform work. This will significantly reduce your cash costs.

To determine the exact amount of tiles, you need to know the area of ​​the room, as well as its features. For example, if we are talking about a bathroom, then in such a room there are always places that are inaccessible to the eye of a person. Therefore, you can put pieces of tiles in them, which usually remain after pruning the tile. It is also necessary to calculate the required amount of grout for seams.

First of all, the tile should be laid on the floor, and only then on the walls. Do not forget to take into account the thickness of the seam that will be between the tiles. Calculations should begin with calculating the surface area. To do this, multiply the length of the wall by its width. Then, in a similar way, you need to calculate the area of ​​one piece of tile, and then divide the total surface area into a tile area. The resulting value will be approximately the amount of tiles.

In no case should you buy a coating with a small portion. The number of shades and types of tiles has the fact that if the model of this collection ends with a particular seller, it will be extremely problematic to find it, and not that shade, obviously, will spoil the decor.

As a rule, in practice you will need a larger number of tiles than you calculated, since defective parts may come across or defects can form when cutting. For this reason, an additional 10% must be added to the approximate result. You should also leave several tiles in case you need to carry out subsequent repairs.

There is no limit to perfection – you experiment, add your own and then the bathroom will be filled with your character and uniqueness. After all, the main task of this room is the comfort and state of the relaxation of the owners.