Testing of fireproof safe with chiz locks

In order to protect the contents of the safe from the risk of accessing attackers, they install CISA products, the castles of which have gained wide popularity as products of increased hacking resistance.

But the risk of hacking is not the only risk that the property stored in the safe may be subjected to. There is an important factor – damage to property under the influence of high temperatures, in other words – fire.

This risk is especially relevant for things that are stored in workshops, in fire hazardous and explosive production and such places. To protect valuable property from fire, Chiz products are not enough, you need a good fire -resistant safe.

How determines the quality of this kind of product?

Fireproof safes, as a rule, are classified according to the factor of fire resistance, which exist twelve – from the lowest (the contents of the safe for thirty minutes can be exposed to an external temperature of more than 800 degrees Celsius, without visible external changes), to the highest (the contents of the safe are exposed to external temperatures of more than 800 degrees Celsius for 120 minutes without damage).

At the same time, in the first case (fire resistance class 30 b), money banknotes, and paper, and with the highest fire resistance class (120 dishes), are also experienced by magnetic carriers, magnetic discs, film and photographic art.

A safe with the installed lock (as mentioned above, the companies of which the locks of which have proven themselves from the best side) expose high temperatures (thermal exposure), separately, or in combination with the effects of the shock wave (thermal stroke).

At the same time, the limiting state should occur no earlier than the deadlines established by the norms. The limiting state of the safe is the state when the integrity of the safe is disturbed, or when the temperature at any point inside the safe exceeds the maximum permissible (fire -resistant safes of different classes have different maximum permissible temperatures inside the safe – for class 30b, this is 177 degrees Celsius, for class 120 Dis, this is 50 degrees Celsius).

It is recommended to use a fire -resistant safe, with a fire -resistant lock, to prevent the failure of individual elements of the product. CISA, produces locks, the fire resistance of which allows you to install them on safes of the highest (120 dishes), class, without reducing these safe fire protection parameters.