The next step will be to receive from the authorities and involved organizations, the construction permit.

The next step will be to receive from the authorities and involved organizations, the construction permit. Resolution usually issues the Committee on Architecture and Urban Planning and the Administration, the urban settlement of your area. The main document, which regulates the cases of representatives of the committee and the developer, is, first of all, the Construction Code of the Russian Federation. It is necessary to get this document. If you plan to live abroad, then you can buy real estate at Tenerife. Select the necessary options both with repair and just built.

Now you can start work, on the construction of a house or cottage. The beginning of each construction occurs with the laying of the foundation. When compiling a project, the architect should give you advice on the types of foundations used depending on the type of object being built. It is the construction of the house that is the longest part of the construction, while the terms of its implementation, can differ significantly, for various technologies for the construction of buildings and the materials used. The most accelerated construction is carried out using Canadian technology and takes almost several tens of days.

The final step in building a house, communication connection and decoration. It is necessary to make water supply, waste ditch, heating, lighting, etc. D. It is necessary to finish the inner and outer surfaces of the house. If you have construction under Canadian technology, then all these issues are resolved simultaneously with construction.

At the same time, all wires and pipes will be located from the inside of the walls, and the surface of the walls will not need additional processing for finishing. It remains to put furniture around the rooms and you can invite friends to the housewarming. Naturally, a short description of the construction steps is given here. But for the initial plan for building a house, it will be quite enough. Also, you can contact the construction company, then all the processes of building your brand new housing will be under the control of experts.