To carry out finishing work, it is worth buying a good quality facing stone

Alas, the situation in the modern market of finishing materials folds in such a way that, if the client wants to buy a facing stone, offers a facing stone created by the method of coloring. To reduce the cost of the production process of facing stone, manufacturers are mostly used by special paint, and to simulate roughness and irregularities of the natural stone, take a simple texture workpiece.

When buying, the artificial facing stone received using this technology is no different from natural stone, looks attractive and is inexpensive. But after one rainy autumn and snowy winter, artificial stone loses its attractiveness. But this is not the most basic. Imitation, no matter how high quality it is, it is just an imitation.

Never an artificial facing stone in its beauty will not look like a natural stone. The artificial facing stone, which was created by painting workpieces, resembles a cheap plastic siding, because it has a smooth smooth surface, painted in an unnatural way, which immediately catches your eye. In this case, the question arises – why overpay for imitation of stone, if the house still looks like an inexpensive office building?

In order for the artificial facing stone to look natural and does not lose its appearance after a pair of work, it is necessary to clearly adhere to technological recommendations in the production process. In your desire to make the production of artificial stone less expensive in terms of labor and starting materials, you do not need to invent a bicycle and replace the recommended ingredients with cheap analogues.