Types of finishing materials

In modern construction and projects of designers, various finishing materials are used. Stone, metal, wood, paper, glass, plastic – these are all finishing materials of wide use, with their help you can embody any design projects. Painting materials, in turn, also belong to finishing materials. Thanks to the latter, you can save well on finishing work. Modern finishing materials also include ceramic tiles, front brick, facade slabs. Italon ceramic granite can be bought in bulk almost everywhere, and its characteristics and price are one of the best. Glassrystalline materials are durable and are resistant to corrosion, so they are mainly used for sexes. And from glass you can make mosaic, stained glass, glass profile, etc. D. Aluminum, titanium and copper are used in metal finishing materials. Basically, they make the cladding of rare architectural masterpieces. Due to the high price, the scope of metal finishing materials, such a small. Wood, as a rule, is used for finishing work of apartments, houses and other rooms. These include: plywood, ore, parquet, etc. There are also soundproofing materials, also called acoustic. They are widely used in cinemas, theaters, conservatory, concert halls and even in residential apartments and houses. Each type of finishing materials should have characteristics to withstand the loads well, or the effects that may occur at the place of installation. For example, floor materials should be persistent to impacts and scratches, durable and withstand mechanical effects and damage.