Using natural stone.

Types of natural stone and its characteristics.

Natural stone is a natural, natural material, as a rule, rock. Stone, natural origin was used as building and finishing material for a very long time. The older the breed itself, the more valuable it is, because the stone over time does not lose its positive qualities, but only accumulates them. Natural stone is known to everyone with its excellent characteristics: it is characterized by great strength, wear resistance, durability, environmental purity, resistance to various natural influences, as well as its decorative properties. Natural stone in finishing work goes well with other materials, especially with fabrics and wood. But with all its excellent characteristics, the natural stone has a large weight and is subject to the destructive effect of chemicals.

There are more than a thousand varieties of natural stone in the world. In this article we will talk about the properties and use of marble, sandstone, granite, shale, limestone.

From the whole variety of natural stone, marble is considered the most elite and, accordingly, expensive. Marble characterizes a smooth, glossy surface with a bizarre pattern of different colors.

Marble practical, beautiful facing material. The marble properties include: strength, simplicity of processing, aesthetics, compatibility in decoration with other natural materials, it also has bactericidal properties, which makes it possible to use it in rooms with high humidity, such as the kitchen. Nowadays, a coculoma of marble to order is more than a sought -after interior element, both among the elite and less wealthy layers of the population. Marble is easily supplied with grinding, polishing, and from exposure to high temperatures, and chemical compounds may suffer. Of course, marble is most used precisely as a decorative element in finishing works such as: cladding of fireplaces, stairs, columns, as a flooring.

Granite is not only finishing material, but also construction. The structure of this stone makes it very dense, durable, wear -resistant, durable, granite is not afraid of the effects of chemicals. Granite is used for cladding stairwells (steps), flooring, that is, in this regard, granite is less to wear out compared to marble. The color palette of granite is not very diverse, but due to its structure, in which there are mica and quartz, the stone is characterized by very interesting interweaving and shades.

Shteta is a very original layered stone that comes from clay, sedimentary and quartz rocks. Previously, slate was used for paving streets, and not so long ago they began to use it for decorative decoration. Sleep rock, rough to the touch, easily lends itself to mechanical processing, cutting, but only three types of shale are suitable for grinding. Shtets have a high strength, durability, resistant to various temperatures. Shtetz is used for the manufacture of countertops as a decorative finishing element, sometimes it is used as roofing material.

Limestone and sandstone – loose, having a porous structure of the breed, easy to process, but in their strength are inferior to marble and granite. Limestone can be used for external and internal cladding walls, fireplaces, columns and decorative elements. Sandstone is mainly used as a finishing material for external work, it is also widely used for the manufacture of borders, paths, fences.