In order for the clutch of the mixture for the grout and the surface of the joints between the tiles, you need to clean the seams of accumulated dust and dirt.

In order for the clutch of the mixture for the grout and the surface of the joints between the tiles, you need to clean the seams of accumulated dust and dirt. To do this, you can use a wet sponge. When the surface of the inter -seams is ready, you can proceed to mixing the solution. This must be done by observing all the proportions, usually the technology of kneading the solution is described on the label. With improper breeding the solution, its strength will be worsened. When mixing a grouting mixture with water, you can use a drill at low speeds, with a mixer nozzle, or you can also with your hands, while it is advisable to put rubber gloves on your hands. Stir the solution until the consistency becomes homogeneous, and lumps will disappear.

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Before applying the solution to the seams, the tile should be moistened, this will facilitate the process of cleansing the tiles after applying grout. The seams themselves should also be moistened. In order to apply a grout to the seams, you need to use a spatula, apply with diagonal movements. With this application, the uniformity of filling the depression of the seam is ensured. Apply a grout using an effort so that the mixture is pressed into the surface of the seam between the tiles. It is in this way that great strength is achieved. The indicators of water resistance are also increased, since for this there is a special component in the grout. But, it is important to consider that the use of grouting cannot protect the tile from moisture penetration, since first of all the grout carries an aesthetic function, and is not intended for sealing tile seams.

When the grout is applied to the seams and the entire process is over, you should wait until it dries completely, then the solution should be removed from the tile itself. It is not difficult to do it, I use a wet sponge.