Polymer coating rolling

For roofing work in modern construction, rental with a special coating is used. The coating can be single -layer and multilayer, as well as one -sided and double -sided. The coating is used to improve the anti -corrosion properties of the metal. The basis of such a rental can be cold or galvanized steel.

Depending on the material that makes up the coating itself, it is divided into plastic and paintwork. To improve the anti -corrosion properties in the rental production, additional application is often used to the front side of the polymer film rental, which protects the rental from scratches of other mechanical damage during transportation and installation. Moreover, such a film coating, not removed during the installation process, can maintain the freshness of already mounted roofs for many years.

Industry produces such a rental in accordance with GOST. The thickness of the sheet, as a rule, is 0.8 mm, the thickness of the polymer layer applied to the cold or cold -rolled galvanized steel, reaches 200 μm. The most unprotected ends of sheets are, therefore, when transporting and storing such a rental, it is necessary to pay special attention to the protection of the ends of packs or rolls from moisture.

Steel rental, ennobled by a polymer coating, is widely in demand in individual construction, it has a wide range of coloring, the texture of its surface can be smooth or corrugated, imitating tiles. A price scatter at various retail outlets can reach a very wide amplitude, so when buying, carefully choose a supplier. In addition to delivery, suppliers dear to the client can freely or for an additional fee of pre -installation opening of rental in your size.