The unique style of the stretch ceiling

Installation of a stretch ceiling is able not only to hide all the bumps and defects of the surface of the base ceiling, but also to set the tone for the interior of the entire room. Particularly fascinated by stretch ceilings with a photoimijus (print).

As a rule, the repair always begins with the ceiling decoration. The appearance of the entire interior to a large extent depends on what colors and texture the ceiling will be endowed with. From here you can draw more information about various textures and other ceilings parameters. If you want your family nest after the repair to look exclusively and exquisite, and the details of the individual style cause the envy of the guests, choose stretch ceilings with original colors.

One of the most exquisite colors can be attributed to imitation of the sky or space – clouds, paintings of the starry sky with vague and galaxies. Such a ceiling can look great in the bedroom or children’s. If you want to install a multi -level ceiling, for each level you can choose your original coloring. This will be a really stylish solution that will not only transform the interior, but will also be able to effectively zone the space of the room. Modern technical means allow you to apply a drawing on a stretch ceiling using your own sketch. And here the expanses of your imagination are not limited by anything – it can be natural landscapes, sunrise, a bouquet of scarlet roses, family photographs, representatives of the animal world, Japanese motives – all that you will seek. Using photo printing, the drawing can be applied to any type of stretch ceiling – whether satin, glossy, matte, metallic or translucent. As a result, you get a ceiling of ideal quality that emphasizes your personality.